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Natural Anti-Aging

We all want to look the best we can, at any age. And in today’s busy society we spend far more time sitting indoors away from natural light, looking at our computer screens than we do outside. We also end up needing stimulants to keep us awake to do our work or sedatives to help us sleep. All of this can affect our hair, our skin, our nails, body fat, and how we look as we age. So today I’m going to share three common easy steps for natural anti-aging.

1. Drink plenty of water

The first tip is to drink plenty of good quality filtered water. The rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces per day. It’s easy to figure out and much less than you may realize. The best way to do this is to drink your water before meals. So before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then wait about fifteen minutes before eating. You don’t want to drink too much water before bed as it can disrupt your sleep and sleep is one of the most vital factors in healthy aging. We want to really get a good seven or eight hours of sleep. This means your food should be digested and your bowels cleared and ready for a good night’s sleep. If you are not a fan of water, try making lemon or spa water by adding cucumber, lemon, or some mint. That way your water has a nice essence of herbs and makes it refreshing and easy to drink. As you know, lemon is the only citrus that alkalizes your body. So drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is ideal. Carbonated water is a bit hard on our kidneys. You can drink one Perrier a day but I would not recommend it anymore.

2. Reduce sugar intake

Tip two is to cut your sugar intake to a minimum. Fruit is the best form of natural sugar. The rest of the refined sugars like powdered, granulated, and refined sugars are glycolic acids. As the name means, it makes your body acidic creating inflammation and speeding up aging. Cookies and pastries should be cut to a minimum and instead try to make the fruit based. There are hundreds of different recipes you can try on websites like Pinterest. So do your best to eliminate sugar.

3. Keep up with your key nutrients

Finally, try to get a good eight hours of sleep and try to see if there are any diminished key nutrients. As we age we naturally need more vital nutrients like ubiquinol and DHEA. Some people also like to take spirulina as it is close to the blood molecule and helps to oxygenate your cells. You can also use collagen. There are many other key nutrients that if you are able to find out, will help you understand where you are so you know what to add. I personally like to use professional-grade products that are third-party tested. I recommend Designs for Health. My favorite is fish oils for inflammation, CogniAid for brain function, or Optagrin which has herbs like maca and ginseng to optimize the nutrients that keep your body young.

If you are interested in learning more about your blood levels and how you can reverse aging, please contact me at You will find links to set up a consultation. We can then determine what is the best testing method for your desired results.


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